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Increasing requirements are being made for automatic and well regulated air-conditioning in automobiles of all classes. Sensor systems are becoming more complex and the demand for high-quality cost-effective sensors is growing.
Motor vehicles have windows on all sides sloping at different angles. So the temperature distribution of their interior compartment is irregular - a major challenge when it comes to creating pleasant ambient conditions.
Control of the air-conditioning ought to require only the slightest attention from the driver. Effective air-conditioning helps the driver keep a cool head in the most tricky situations and minimizes the stress on passengers. Longer trips tend to be hard on both drivers and occupants, but a well functioning air-conditioning.

NTC1/NTC2 蒸发器温度传感器

1. 在摄氏80度的水中浸泡2000小时;
2. 在酒精和水的溶液中做摄氏-30到+90的高低温试验高达1000个循环

NTC3/NTC6 空气温度传感器


NTC4 室内温度传感器


NTC5 室外温度传感器


Solar Sensor 阳光传感器


北京基创卓越电子有限公司代理的EPCOS汽车空调用温度和阳光传感器,在EPCOS德国研发中心研发,并经过Behr,Denso,Valeo,Visteon, Webasto等全球主要汽车空调厂商大量应用,产品成熟可靠,没有前期模具费用,价格可以媲美国产产品;如果需要技术参数请直接与我们联系。

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